Australia is a very large country. Do you know what the capital city is, it's population and it's geographical size? Click on this link and discover the answers..
Now we're going to discover some things we can do and see on our first stop in a city called Perth. Perth is in Western Australia, which is an enormous state, it's even bigger than Europe... can you imagine! There are lots of things you can see and do there. First let's see what the city looks like....

As you can see Perth is a modern city with skyscrapers. Would you like to know more about this city? Click on this link and discover....
And here are some more ideas for fun things to do in Perth:

Tomorrow we´re going to discover one of Australia's native animals? Can you guess which? It's a bird, it's very big, it can't fly and it can run very fast....
Which of the following animals do you think it is?
Tomorrow we´re going to discover one of Australia's native animals? Can you guess which? It's a bird, it's very big, it can't fly and it can run very fast....
Which of the following animals do you think it is?

We´ll find out tomorrow....
Hey, I really like your blog, I'm planning a trip to Aussi and this will be a great help!!! THANKS A MILLION
Just as a tip, when you finish with this one could you start one on New Zealand? I would love to get to know how the kiwis live and what they eat!!!!
La Vaca Cuper
Este blog es la bomba para cualquiera, sobre todo para profes de inglés. Yo que tú se lo enseñaría a Marival García Lledó, profe de Geo e Hª de los Países Anglos.
Espero que puedan verlo todos los profes y alumnos de Cardenal Cisneros porque sirve para cualquier profe que quiera saber o enseñar sobre Australia. La pena es no poder ir allí, pero nos lo has traido aquí.
Impresionante, espero que tengas muchas visitas porque merece la pena.